Entries in the LGBTIQ+ Lexicon starting with ‘I’
- Intergender
- Intersex – A person born with genital, reproductive, chromosome or endocrine (hormone) characteristics that are between, both or neither male nor female. Some 40-80 medical conditions have been so described as Intersex. True and Pseudo-Hermaphrodite terminology is deprecated and historical not current usage.
- Invert* – An old term used in psychotherapeutic circles at the turn of the 19th/20th century to describe someone whose sexuality (or indeed gender) was ‘inverted’ from the then norm or acceptable cisgender heterosexuality.
* Some words may be non-English, culturally specific, anachronistic, explicit, or considered offensive to some, use with caution and see the full description, etymology, origins, spread of usage, meaning shift, insult vs reclamation, and application, under the term itself and/or ask a person who identifies with the terminology how they use it and what it means to them.