Entries in the LGBTIQ+ Lexicon starting with ‘B’
- Badés
- Beersexual – A flippant term for someone who is bisexual under alcoholic influence
- Berdache*
- Bicurious
- Bigender
- Biphilic
- Bisexual – Traditionally one attracted to men and women but now sometimes applied to anyone attracted to two genders which could be to men and non-binary, or women and genderfluid.
- Boi
- Bottom
- Bromosexual
- Bulldyke
- Bulldagger
- Burrnesha
- Butch
- Byke – a Bi Dyke
* Some words may be non-English, culturally specific, anachronistic, explicit, or considered offensive to some, use with caution and see the full description, etymology, origins, spread of usage, meaning shift, insult vs reclamation, and application, under the term itself and/or ask a person who identifies with the terminology how they use it and what it means to them.